Jordan Washburn

Jordan WashburnJordan began his undergrad in linguistics in 2003 at the University of Michigan, and his interest in computational linguistics and natural language processing led him to SI. After being exposed to many different fields in SI, he soon took up a tailored degree in health information technology focusing on the integration of web 2.0 technology in institutional and patient healthcare. In his free time, Jordan enjoys climbing, running, cooking, and playing any kind of sport.

Silhee Sung

Silhee Sung Silhee is a second year student of School of Information, University of Michigan. She did undergraduate in Library and Information Science and History at Ewha Women's University in Korea. From last semester, she is double majoring in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Library and Information Services (LIS) to get more practical skills and broaden her perspective for studying digital libraries. In this summer, she did internship at the United Nation's Library in Thailand which was great opportunity for practicing skills that she learned from SI. Silhee loves cooking, drawing pictures and taking photos. And.. she wants to be a GOOD librarian equipped with usability skills and interaction design knowledge.

Josh Steverman

Josh Steverman Josh graduated from George Washington University in 2005 with degrees in computer science and political science. After graduation, he spent three years as a faceless bureaucrat specializing in Excel and expert level minesweeper. In addition to his minesweeper prowess, Josh can write bugs in a half dozen programming languages. If all goes according to plan he will leave SI in December of 2009 with a degree in Information Analysis and Retrieval.